The Impressionist
Claude Monet was a significant figure in the Impressionist movement in the second half of nineteenth century. The well-known French painter developed a unique style that strove to capture light and natural forms on canvas of perceiving the natural world.
The revolution began when Monet joined other famous artists in an independent exhibition establishment, where one of his most noted paintings "Impression: Sunrise" was showcased. The painting drew criticism for the unfinished appearance. Instead of being derogated, the distinct group of artists saw it as a compliment and subsequently used the painting's title to call themselves "Impressionists".
Rewinding the time back to May, the Impressionist's masterpieces were exhibited in The Heritage Museum, which ended recently. Seventeen paintings by Monet from national museums and private collectors were unveiled to the public. Despite the crowd in the small venue, it was worthwhile to see his genuine paintings, namely the waterlilies series, with the bare eye.

Photo and Editing by Kitty